Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ok Halloween is over back to the diet!!

Candy Candy Candy Now it's all over and I'm surrounded by candy...this can't be good of a girl trying to loss 5 more pounds. Luck for me people seem to be getting cheaper with the goods and gave the kids mostly crappy know the kinda I wanna steal during nap time when no one's looking. Halloweens funny we spend 364 days a year teaching our kids not to take candy from strangers then 1 day a year we TAKE them to ask for candy.... not the best parenting idea ever... not the worst either. What ever the kids had fun and I got candy!!!!

1 comment:

Anna said...

That's a really good point! I never thought about it that way; how funny that for 1 night a year we are totally hypocritical!

Good luck resisting that candy! This year I didn't buy too much because I didn't want to have any left over but then I ran out and ended up handing out peanut butter crakers and granola bars!!! Some mom is pissed at me right now... or maybe thankful...