Friday, June 20, 2008

5 years!!!!!

On the 28th Ryan and I will have been married for 5 wonderful years. In that time we moved 4 times, put Ryan through college, traveled to Mexico, Flordia, Oregon, North and South Carolina, and to Fresno CA more times then I'd like to remember; we had 2 very beutiful girls Madison and Morgan. We faught some, laughed lots and made just as much love! My husband is a wonderful man and I don't think I tell him enough how much I appriciate his kindness, he brings me flowers for no reason and kisses me in my sleep, and does way more dishes then any man I know!!! He works hard every day to supprot his family and comes home to play! He prays with the girls before bed and changes lots of poopy diapers!!!

Being married for 5 years blows my mind!!!! Times goes by so fast!! What I love the most about our marrage is Ryan's my best friend, he'd the one person in my life that lets me down but always raised me up again, hurts me but feels my pain, he's been mean but always said he was sorry. No marrage is perfect but I really feel good about mine, Ryan and I know each other so well he knows when I need a hug, and knows when I need a break, and in turn I see when he hurts but thinks he's hidding it, I also see dreams in his eyes, he wants great things for our little family. I am more in love today then 5 years ago it's very much a different love, the Bible says "the two become of one flesh" and I truely feel that with my husband I don't make any desition without thinking about Ryan, I don't have a feeling without him in mind.

I love him with all my heart and can't wait to see what the Lord has for us in the next 20 years!!!


Anna said...

Congrats Rachael!

sarah said...

That is so awesome!!!

Now that I think regards to that night I was remembering, maybe you had just gotten married...that makes more sense!


Juliette said...

Congrats girl! Five years is so amazing - its like where has the time gone right? May God bless you guys withat least 50 more amazing years!!!

Erica said...

Congratulations Rachael. I love being married. It always seems like time has gone by so fast but it also seems like forever. In a good way. May you have many more years to come.

Becky Moseley said...

Aw. Isn't being married fun? Makes me feel so grown up.

Amy said...

Congratualtions!!!! It is so wonderful to read these stories of marriage. It gives me hope.

Leah said...

Congratulations!! Time goes by so fast, doesn't it? And I love how the love we have for our husbands gets deeper and stronger every year!

Jamie said...

Where are you you haven't posted and I haven't seen you shining face!