Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chico Out Laws Game!!!

Ryan and I went with some friends to a Outlaws game this last saturday, and had a great time. It was the first time that I left Morgan for more then 3 hours in fact she was with grandma and gradpa for 12 hours!!! She took two 8oz bottle with no problem!!! Any ways back to the game, it was great we went to Hula's some Chinese BBQ and ate ourselves silly and headed to the mall, I got some killer deals and tried everything on without having to stop and change a dirty diaper or nurse half naked and wearing the stores pants!!! Next we made our way over to the game and all got a ice cold beer!!! I don't drink beer often but it seemed like the right time!! I love my kids but I really enjoy little break too!!


Juliette said...

Sounds like fun and a well deserved break - good for you guys!!!

Beckie Luff said...

I am glad you were able to get away and enjoy some time to be yourself. Having a break just helps you enjoy your kids even more. You probably needed a break after watching 4 kids last Friday!! :)