Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Morg!!!!

With Morg being sick, she's been kinda... ok a lot whiny, any ways she's not been her self, well.... I miss that smiley little girl. She make my morning, every morning, her bright smile makes me soooo happy and can't help but laugh. She's walking so good lately, I think having a big sister helps. She's either running from Madison or chasing her. It's the funniest thing inthe world watching Madison running from her baby sister (really mad and usually screaming) and this little tiny thing following behind laughing like it's a game.
So she also has a new game... running the bathroom every chance she gets to play with the "water" ....I know what your thinking ('' no wander the kid's puking") but I wash her hands every time it happens, and if she really had fun ... a bath. Any way I'm not sure what to do, I've been saying NO very firm and smacking her little hand, but she laughs. I thought I wasn't making enough of an impact so I started smacking it (her hand- to clarify) a little harder but she just laughs harder. Silly girl... so baby gates are going up everywhere- not the best timing since Madison's just getting good at potty training, putting gates up where she can't get through doesn't help.
I've always had very strong feeling on not letting children know they're hurt....but man!...Morgan's taken it to new levels. When Madison was a baby I made a point not to look when I heard a thud, if she didn't have anyone acknowledge she was hurt she normally just get up and keep going, but if I knew it was going to be bad, I go to her, not wait for the cry. But Morgan!! Holy cow that kid's tougher then most men I know. She has fallen straight back, hit her head on the coffee table (enough to raise a bump and buise) and she still jumped right up and kept heading for the cookie!!! I think that's why I'm having such a hard time seeing her so sick and sad. She's just not happy right now, poor baby.

Please keep her in your prayers. I'd like to have my happy go lucky baby back!!!


Ryan Reuther said...

She has the cutest smile!!! I love both our girls soooo much and am so grateful to share my life with you and our children!!!

Moseley said...

Rachel, I freaking love your girls!! They are so funny!! I love their little personalities, and how funny they can be. Please don't stop hanging out with us.

Amy Dubois said...

Poor Morgan! It's no fun having sick little ones. We missed you today!