The day before Valentines day, our church had a banquet in which I was hosting a table. I've never "hosted" a table for anything before, so I have to admit I was a little nervous. I wanted it to be perfect something people remembered and enjoyed. I have to say it was one of the funnest nights Ryan and I have had together in a long time!!! We had such a great time with all our friends and had great food. We took a ton of pictures because well.........this is Redding and we never get a chance to dress up and look pretty.
So with this all said I'm soooo glad we had such a good time because less then 5 hours later I had little Morgan in my arms throwing up over the sink, and Jess had little Adin throwing up in the bathroom every 15 minutes, and later at 3am I heard Ryan running to the bathroom to throw up!!! I also found out that Joey and Krista (pictured above) got sick a day later, and Mike Jess's hubby was sick too. Sooooo we all got sick, very sick, strangely enough none of us moms got sick, maybe God knew our little families wouldn't do very well with out mommy there cleaning up the throw up and rubbing little backs. I just pray that He continues to have mercy on us moms. So needless to say my actual Valentines Day kinda sucked, ok really sucked, but I thank God for allowing us to have such a great pre-valentines day night.
PS If your a mom out there reading this..... we all got it from the kiddie area at the mall, last Tuesday at moms group. I've heard of two different moms say their kids were "throw up" kinda sick after that day, and my kids didn't have to close contact with their kids. Lets all just pray the Lord would place a hand of healing and peace on all the families infected by this nasty little bug, and strength for all those mommies getting up at all odd hours cleaning very poopy diaper and pukey pillows and sheets. Lord knows how much I need him.
PPS. Please keep little Morgan in your prayers, she's still pretty sick, everyone else in my family seems to be getting better but she's still not eating and is pooping alot still.
wow. I'm glad the moseleys didn't get sick. But I'm sorry your v-day wasn't so hot. At least you got soem family time!!
It looks like the dinner was a lot of fun! Sorry you all got so sick though. I hope everyone is doing better now.
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