Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Death Already?

Ryan called my yesterday little after his lunch, I'd just seem him 30 minutes ago so I was curious. He said he was sad to be the bearer of bad new but his grandma's dog Mercy (The little dog that spent a week at our house about a month ago) had drowned in pool. I feel really sad for his grandma, she really needed that dog around, she was just like grandma sleeping at all hours of the day and a little grumpy at times too. So ok it's sad but I'm fine and his grandma willbe fine too...but what about Madison? She loved that dog, and every time we go see grandma see runs around the house to find Mercy. Not to mention every time I ask her if she wants to go see grandma she says "..and Mercy?" Unsure what to do I asked Ryan ... He doesn't think we need to tell her... that she'll forget there ever was a dog...but I'm thinking she's smarter then that and she'd going to ask on my watch. Ok so what would you do I'm so torn...did Mercy go live on a farm? Or did she die? Or do we avoid the subject all together? If you have any other idea please Normally I'm pretty sure of my parenting... but not!! I'm not even sure of what God wants me to do... and yes I've asked. This all seems too painful and confussing for a 2 year old.


Becky Moseley said...

I honestly have NO idea how I would approach that. So once you figure it out, let me know!

Jess Johnson said...

Wow! That's terrible news. I can't even imagine how upset Ryan's Grandma is. As interesting as that dog was, I know she loved him dearly. And what a horrible way to die. Ugh, just terrible. As far as Madi goes, I wouldn't mention anything until she notices that Mercy isn't around. The first time she asks I would just tell her that you're not sure where she is, yes that's a lie but she's 2 and honestly she's not going to think twice about it. If she continues to ask, then you might have to think of a nice way to tell her that Mercy went to see God. Dogs go to heaven too right? I would just tell her that we all love Mercy very much but God loves Mercy even more and He wanted her to come live with him. If she knows anything about God then she will be okay with that I think. Anyway, that's my two cents. I'm not saying that will work but that's just what I would do. Good luck and tell Ryan's Grandma we're very sorry! I'll miss seeing that wirey little dog! :)

Moseley said...

Wow. That sucks. I think that Jess is on to something. It might be a good time to introduce death. I know that might sound morbid, but as we know death is just a part of life. For believers it isn't something to fear. It's a source of hope that Jesus overcame it. I am also thinking that it might be good to talk to her about it before going to grandma's house. Maybe doing your own version of a funreal, and explaining that death means you go away forever. It's a serious subject, but much like sex, it's something they should hear from us not from the TV or their friends. Thats just my 2 cents.

Amy @ Increasingly Domestic said...

Death is a normal part of life....I would just tell her that the dog died and went to live with Jesus. I believe that as a parent we should be as honest as we can with our children so they grow up to trust us. Just try to make your conversations as age appropriate as you can and only answer what they ask you. If she needs more information she will ask.
We were very open with Brooklyn last year when we had our miscarriage. She was four and yet was able to understand what was going on and mourned with us.