Monday, March 9, 2009


I'm so freak'n excited!!!!! I bought a treamill on craigslist yesterday, 75 bucks, it's less then 2 years old and hardly used!!! It's a walmart brand so I know it can't be great but I like it!!! I ran on it yesterday while watching tv and visiting with Ryan, it was great I worked up a great sweat and felt great!!! I ran 2 miles in 20 again....still trying to work on that number. But here's the cool part I got on the scale this morning and I'm 1.9 pounds from my goal!!!! AAaaahhhh some one pinch me, all this work is really paying off!!! and now that I'm so close I think I can safely move my goal back 5 more pounds... don't worry Ryan no more after that I promise!! But this feels so good.. I weight less today then I did my first year of college, 8 years ago.... crap I'm old.


Amy Dubois said...

Good job! I would love to have a treadmill to walk on while I watch tv.

Ryan Reuther said...

Hon, you look amazing and I am so proud of you!!! You have been rocking the workouts and running. Keep up the awesome job and I love you!!!

Moseley said...

WHAT?! You're OLD?! Please, I was older than you five years ago!

Alyssa Clark said...

I'm old...haha just kidding.
anyways, I was telling Ryan that your just never gonna stop running now. haha. You look great sis! Your stunning!

I need to start coming out and running on that because your out doing me! I dont like this. Stop now. please? no. fine. hmp.
