Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who could ask for more?

Yesterday was a good day... I had fun with the girls, we did laundry and watched Bambi together AND Ryan got to come home early!!! I was planning on taking the girls over to my friend Jess' house to start our "Woman after God's own Heart" Bible study, but Ryan said since he was going to be home I should just leave the girls with him. AWESOME!!! Right? So I went.. I love this book I feel so encouraged and motivated to focus on my personal relationship with God. If you have the opportunity, read it!!! Both of Jess' kiddos were asleep so it was a great time for us.

My parents are coming today around noon... so I knew when I got home I had a lot of little stuff to do to get ready.. clean house and finish laundry( you know how it is ladies... having your mom come to your house... why do we feel the need to clean everything perfectly?) OK here comes my perfect day/ hubby... I walk in the door and Ryan had the house perfectly clean!!! And for any of you that really know Ryan "clean" to him is not just picking up the kids toys. He cleaned everything and more then I was planning on doing that night... were talking mopping, vacuuming, dishes done and put away, bathrooms spotless( including the toilets), everything in it's place... it was like a dream!!!! And the kids seemed moderately happy... not easy when trying to clean the whole house!!! Seriously it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders...I had nothing to do but rest... really when does that happen?

Ryan, I know I don't thank you enough... but you seriously are the "huge-est" blessing in my life! You take better care of me then I do myself, thank you for providing for me, loving me and knowing me better then anyone, thank you for being an amazing father to my girls, and thank you for choosing me to be your bride. I can't put into words how much it means to me that you knew I wasn't going to be able to relax until those things were done, and more importantly thank you for taking that burden on your self for my sake.


Pearcia LaPointe said...

I hear we are looking at a place to live near you. We are hoping to move into a place on Lynbrook Loop. Are you close? What do you think of the area? We'll have to get together when/if we move in!

Amy @ Increasingly Domestic said...

What a sweet amazing husband!!! How full is your love tank right about now? :)

Ryan Reuther said...

Beautiful, You are so welcome and you beyond deserve(d) a break from cleaning, etc. We are so blessed and I am so happy to be your hubby!!! Love you, Ryan.