Monday, September 29, 2008


I love this kid, she's got a way of making you smile. And sometimes I swear she's 2 going on 13. There's not a day that goes by that she doesn't surprise me with a clever comment. Today we walked to the park, and as we rounded the street to see the park, I could see that they had painted it and was now blocked off with tape and we wouldn't be able to play. I felt bad and tried to explain why we could play on it, with a very concerned look on her little face Madison looked and me then back at the park and said "they broke the park mommy and they "fik" it now? I giggled and said "yes the have to fix it before we can play ok".

1 comment:

Juliette said...

I love the stage when they say the cutest things and surprise you all the time. What a blessing!