Thursday, May 29, 2008

Crying My Eyes Out

I don't understand whats going on in my house lately but this morning I've had it. It seems that everytime I turn around something is happening to make me feel like I'm going to lose it.
I few days ago Madison surprised me by saying she needed to go poo poo so we together ran to the potty and well sure enough she pooped! I was so proud, I praised her and gave her a treat, and since we were staying home that day I let her wear big girl panties. Well that the good side of the story, later she had an accident with more poo poo, it ok it was bound to happen right? Ok so I start the clean up.... as I'm pulling down her panties she starts to kick, kick hard....poo flies all over my living room. Little terds rolling about like spilled m&ms. AAAHHHHHHhhhh!!!!!
Ok I was a little upset with her but we got over it and all was ok.
But thing morning I so upset I can't put into words how tried I am. She's lost my car key...our only set!!! I"ve spent the last hour and half looking all over my house so not only are the keys still missing but my house in literly upside down!!! And to rub on my nerves even more she walking around the house asking " where keys mommy?" "where keys mommy?" I don't know where the keys are child!!!! You tell me!!
Ladies I need prayer I've prayed so many times for god to help me find my keys and..... nothing I feel lost He always helps me with this stuff, and it was always my little thing with me and God I always loss stuff and he always helps me find it. But not today and I know there ahs to be a reason he's testing me but I just don't know why right now... other baby's sceaming.


Amy said...

Oh Rachel, I feel for you. I will be praying for you. We mom's have the toughest jobs. When we have a problem @ "work" we don't get to leave it @ work and come home. Our work, problems, and stresses are always around. Take a few minutes(maybe after the girls go to bed) take a bath or read a magazine. You need some "me time" Don't forget "Ladies night out" tomorrow. Maybe we could ride together. Call me.

Becky Moseley said...

And to think that I, as your fellow "screaming mom", wasn't there to pick up your phone call. I'm so bummed that I didn't get to hear you vent to me, since that's what I'm here for. Maybe next time? Since we both know life with children is full of moments like these. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that it's the precious moments in between that make it all worthwhile.

Erica said...

I don't know how many times this has happened to me Rachael. It is infuriating. Someday you will find them in some random place that they dropped them. One thing I learned make a couple spare sets so you can always use the spare set until the old ones are found. I'm so sorry!