Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lord Help Me!!!!

OK my 2 years old has a dirty little secret and it's time to let it out! She still uses a pacifier to sleep. I told myself she needed to be done with it by her second birthday, and well it's now 4 days past that mark and she's still crying like a crazy person for that bacteria infested little thing!!! Does anyone have any advise on how deal with this? I've tried letting her cry it out but she cries for hours on end and well my head can't take it!! I tried throwing them away in front of her and saying they were broken she still ask for it at bed time and we end up giving her a new one. I know in my heart this is just one of those things that you have to be firm on but my head hurts so bad from the last 2 hours of crying and I just gave in so she'd at least took a little nap before 5pm!!! I'm also tempted to just let her have it and assume she let it go when she's ready. But NO I really don't want to pay for braces later!!! Good teeth run in the family and she's going to ruin them!! I need help here ladies, someone give me the magic words to fix my broken child!!!


Jamie said...

try cutting the end of the binki off partially and then everytime you give it to her cut a little more. I have never tried it and my 20 month old still has one, but I heard it works. They then think that they are the ones giving it up not you taking it away. hope it helps.

Erica said...

She is not broken, my girls wanted to have their pacifiers for forever too. Ava ended up chewing the nipples off hers and Adiah ended up getting thrush and so we had to say bye bye. Both were over two years old. If she still has it when she is seven then you have a problem! Hahaha! Keep talking to her about it how she will have to give it up. Try taking it away from her once she goes to sleep. So she only uses it to go to sleep. Hang in there she not the only one who has been attached.

Becky Moseley said...

My sister sucked her thumb when she was little. It started getting pretty bad, so my parents put a sticker chart on the fridge. For every night that Hannah went without sucking her thumb, she got to pick a sticker to put on her chart. When she had a certain number, say fifteen, she got to go out to ice cream with Dad. I remember it working well, and wishing I had some horrible habit that required a sticker chart too. I was a big ice cream fan!

Amy said...

I felt the same way after Bailee turned 2. I decided to set a weekend. Throw away the binkies(in the dumpster, so I wouldn't be tempted) and let nature take its course. I had two sleepless nights, but success. Don't feel bad or worried all kids are different. Its never easy for us moms to see our children hurting. Once in awhile Bailee askes if she can have a binkie, her own response "no, I am a big girl!"

Candace said...

Rachael, I am not looking forward to this day with Caeden. I feel for you. I heard the same thing that Jamie did about cutting off the end a little bit at a time until she just didn't want it any more because it was no good to her. My friend said it worked really well.

--- Billy Brown said...

I'd try tabasco on the binky. That's probably why I'm not a dad, though.

sarah said...

This is the Supernanny solution: Here is the elaborate story to tell her: (substitute whatever name you use for it) The paci-fairy needs all of the pacifiers for all of the new babies that can't afford to get them. Then you have her gather up all of the binkies and put them in a decorated envelope addressed to the paci-fairy. Then you both go and put it in the mailbox. You tell her that when the fairy comes to get the envelope she'll leave a big girl present for her. You can put a special envelope/box in there for her with whatever she'll really like. So you both go to check the mail the next day and voila...the paci-fairy came! It seems to work really well because the kids get really caught up in the story!