Monday, May 12, 2008

So much to do and so little time!

Does anyone ever feel like there is so much to do yet never enough time? I can have the perfect list and the best plan of attack but at the end of the day I still fell like I didn't get near enough done. There's still that huge pile of laundry to fold, I really wanted to clean the bathrooms but never got to it and that pile of papers that needs to be shorted through is still sitting there. A mothers work is really is never done! I love being a stay at home mom it's the best job I've ever had, and I've had a lot of jobs!!! It's kinda like all my old jobs all lumped into one job. Wells it's off to fold that pile of laundry .......again and tomorrow I'll fold it again and maybe I'll get those bathrooms clean.... probably not though.


Erica said...

Haha! I have Mountains of laundry on all over my couch right now. I am going to bed. I finish tomorrow. Maybe.

Becky Moseley said...

Yeah. I feel you. I have a basket of laundry in my bedroom that needs to be put away. It's been there for weeks. Funny how I've realized that if I just pull things out of it to wear, I can empty it without ever having to fold anything! Ha ha. I love doing laundry--don't know why it's still so hard to keep up with it.

Jamie said...

Hey Rachael, Did get to say good bye today at Turtle Bay. Call me if you guys want to come on thursday. 242-6201 get you some directions

sarah said...

So laundry has to be put away at my house because my cat eats cotton...God's solution to the mountain of laundry! Now I just wish Cookie would eat papers too...I hate mail...I hate papers...they're everywhere!